Nettur Technical Training Foundation

Nettur Technical Training Foundation Nettur Technical Training Foundation Nettur Technical Training Foundation Nettur Technical Training Foundation Nettur Technical Training Foundation

Dr Heinrich Hellstern, Director of HEKS (a Swiss NGO), through his noble gesture, set the ball rolling for opening a Technical Training institute at Nettur, Tellicherry (Kerala), in 1959. Nettur Technical Training Foundation was formed in 1963. NTTF is the repository of active technical support and knowledge transfer from Swiss industry and training institutions. The seed was sown 50 years ago – the decision to start tool and die-making courses at Tellicherry – has grown into a productive plant, surpassing even the most optimistic of expectations. The foundation has successfully developed itself and promoted technical training to suit the needs of the society, all across India.

Address: Pune-Banglore Rd, Hosayellapur, Dharwad, Karnataka 580001
Phone: 099458 56472

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